Getting Fete Tickets

Hello my fellow Carnival lovers, Fayola here. Let’s talk about fête tickets…

Although there is no question that Carnival Monday and Tuesday are the main event, fête-ing has become a major part of the season, with fêtes starting as early as December the year before! There are fêtes that give you all the bang for your buck and support a good cause, like school all-inclusives, (must give a shout out to my Alma mater Bishop Anstey High School whose all-inclusive has been rated among the best for many years) and there are fêtes designed for you get in the Carnival spirit without breaking the bank. There are two things you need no matter what fête you attend….a good attitude and A TICKET!

The first thing you should do is decide what fêtes you want to attend and do it EARLY. There are some fête tickets that are so sought after that promoters could run their own black market organ donation ring in exchange for tickets…and with all the alcohol you’ll probably consume, two kidneys are better than one 😝😂. If you know in advance that you need that ticket, your CTTI customer liaison can start preparing for battle and ensure you get it.  It always pays to know someone who knows someone 😉😏

The second, and very important, thing is to BUDGET. When that ticket comes out and your liaison has given their blood, sweat and tears to secure one for you and your crew, you need to be able to pay up. Fêtes can cost anywhere from $45-$200 USD  ($300 - $1800 TTD) and will add up so don’t think it’s a cost you can figure out when you get to it. Along with the ticket cost, you should also include money for ‘that fit’ (if you’re one of those fashionitas), makeup (if you so desire) and liquor (if cooler fêtes are more your style).

The third and final thing is to pace yourself. Depending on the length of your stay , fête-ing can be a short intense experience or a slow and steady rise to those two fateful days. Either way, you need to know yourself and only do as much as you can handle. No-one wants to take care of their drunk friend and miss the hardliner’s performance, or worse yet, miss the fête entirely because they can’t get their friend out of bed from the fête the night before. Whatever you do, don’t be that friend!

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Until next time….