Transport in Trinidad: The TRUTH

Hello my fellow Carnival lovers, Fayola here. I wanted to find another way to provide you all much needed information without having to continuously extend the tips section of this website so…. I’m starting to create blog posts!  I was recently asked why is it necessary for our clients to be provided with transportation, so I thought this could be the first thing I address here. 

 Most of our clients are female.

As a young woman myself I try to ensure that we provide any and all courtesies I would want from a concierge service. I would not want to have to navigate public transport in a foreign country during such a hectic festival. Especially one in which I intend to be out and about at all hours of the day and night and (for most people) be consuming copious amounts of alcohol.  Having one vetted driver whose face and vehicle I recognize would give me a great sense of security, removing any anxiety and allowing me to fully enjoy every event. And that ladies and gentlemen is why we provide you with one.

Public transport in Trinidad is kind of confusing.

Unless you are leaving from the town center (also referred to as “dong tong”) where the transport hub, City Gate, is located, most public transportation stops are not clearly marked. The taxis pick up areas pretty much come down to anywhere people are waiting on the taxi’s route. These routes are known by people who take them regularly but are not posted for newbie ease of access. There is no set start or stop time for these taxis to run and the number of cars available can vary depending on area and weather. 

Although bus stops are very easily identifiable, the buses do not always arrive on time and definitely stop running much earlier than you would like on a busy Carnival night.

Talk about SURGE pricing!

As you can imagine, the population of the country almost doubles during the Carnival season. While this creates amazing opportunities to meet new people and share cultures, it also creates a HUGE supply and demand issue. You see it in flight and accommodation pricing and of course, it comes up in transportation pricing as well. Public transportation (as usual) will be the most cost effective way to travel, however, you will have to take your chances with the challenges stated above. I’m sure your hotel (assuming you are staying in one) can arrange some sort of private transportation for you, however you will be vying with all the other guests who also have fetes to get to and trust me you do NOT want to hear the prices they call. There are of course, always the apps. But I’m pretty sure Über coined the term ‘surge pricing’ didn’t they? Prices on those can sky rocket based on driver availability, time of day, weather and the fact that it’s Carnival week will generally make it higher than any other time in the year.

We know the quality of driving of each of our drivers, the superb level of customer service they provide and personally work to achieve pricing that is beneficial to both the driver and the client. Our hope is that having your transportation schedule set and priced months in advance gives you a sense of safety and certainty that leaves you free to express your most authentic self.

 I hope I’ve answered that client’s question as to why it makes more sense to have us arrange your transportation and provided the rest of you all with some valuable information. 

If you think these posts are a good idea, have any topics you want me to address or just want to tell me how great you think this blog post is 😊  leave a comment below!

Until next time….