Etiquette for Love at Carnival

Hello my fellow Carnival Lovers, Fayola here. I have heard people say that they have fallen in love and lived whole lifetimes with someone in the space of one day on the road. In honour of the very recent Valentine’s day celebrations, on this quiet Carnival Monday, the topic is “Etiquette for Love at Carnival”.

As we at Come To The Islands consistently preach, Carnival is a time where a person can release all inhibitions without fear or judgement and, sometimes for the first time, be their truly authentic selves. This brings about a euphoria that makes an entire country express more love so I understand that you want to also. And that of course is great! .... with a couple guidelines:

1.     CONSENT IS KEY. Yes, I know and you know that this should be understood but this is a reminder none the less. Of course we want to jump and wave and wine, that’s why we’re on the road! But that does not mean that we want to wine at this very moment or that we want to wine with you. This goes for men AND women alike. Make sure when you back back or pull up you get a positive acknowledgement and if the person moves away RESPECT THAT. Do not take it personally and start to act a fool. There’s nothing worse than being that person to ruin the vibe.

2.     DON’T OVERSTAY YOUR WELCOME. ‘D bubblin’ looked sweet from afar and is even better close up. The beads swishing just like you want them to and you getting caught up. No problem! But take your wine and MOVE ON. Don’t have her wondering what you still doing here or start a bachanaal because the lady want to know why you winin’ on her man so long. Save us, the band security and yourself the trouble, 30 seconds and press. [nuances of the 30 second rule will be provided in another post].

3.     KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. Now I know that this comes awfully close into point one but I still thought it was important enough to get its own place. Yes wining does require contact points to keep both parties stable and connected in the hip region. The universally acceptable one is a hand on each side between the waist and hip. Unless that person gives expressed verbal consent or moves your hands themselves your hands SHOULD NOT BE TRAVELLING. No you don’t need to touch each one of his 12 abs and no you don’t need to check her measurement ratio. And don’t put your hands on his/her back to bend anyone over if they are not bending themselves. We already half naked having a time, being groped should not be a worry for any of us.

4.     And last but not least, this one is specifically for my foreign readers: WINING IS NOT A SEXUAL ACT! I can understand that for people who did not grow up in this culture or one like it, getting a good wine can seem like someone is telling you they want something more. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT THE CASE. When they push back or bend over, more than likely it’s either that they really like that song or find you ‘could rel wine’ and it  is not meant as an invitation. This is not where you start telling them what hotel you’re staying at or try to have a screamed meaningful conversation by the big truck.

Maybe with these guidelines in mind you too can find your Carnival love story! 

 If you think these posts are a good idea, have any topics you want me to address or just want to tell me how great you think this blog post is 😊  leave a comment below!

Until next time….